A Course In Miracles David Hoffmeister - YouTube
We have to stop protecting the crumbling ego self-concept, and expose and release the shame that is hidden in the mind. If you have been judged as a failure, you can now say, “Well, I failed in the past for sure. I was a failure in the past, but it isn’t me. That is not me. I’m alive. I’m fresh and clean and clear in this moment, and I have nothing to do with the self concept.”
Forgiveness allows us to stop protecting the crumbling image that the ego made of us.
David: “That’s the way my life has been. My experience of the dream of life has fundamentally shifted because my purpose shifted for me. It is for all of us. It can't be just a course in miracles for this one or that one, because God doesn't have ‘chosen ones.’”
All are called, and the Course says that few choose to listen. Are you going to be content with that metaphor of “few choose to listen”? Who's got to listen? I've got to listen. I've got to follow. I've got to be the one! I've got to be the one that steps up, and says, “I will answer the Call.” Like Neo in The Matrix became The One.